Let’s get you involved!

Thank you so much for volunteering to support Beth for NPS.

Walk a neighborhood
Grab a friend, take some handouts, and enjoy an evening or weekend getting to know a neighborhood in Norfolk. Beth will give you all the tools to knock on doors and talk to voters. If you’re an introvert, you can drop a handout and run- no talking to strangers required.

Host a meet & greet
Beth would love to meet your friends and family! Pick a time & place, pour some drinks, and invite your people. Beth will do the rest.

Host a fundraiser
Winning an election costs money and it takes a village. Much like a Meet & Greet, you pick a time & place, pour some drinks, and invite your people. Beth will do the talking.

Use your skills
If you have a special talent like graphic design, organizing events, fundraising, marketing, licking envelopes, or giving really good shoulder rubs- please let Beth know! We’d love to find a way to plug you in.